So, what has been going on in my life since we left off in Africa? Well, see the post below for some of my thoughts post-Africa. It is very difficult to explain my thoughts but I know that I must write them down before I forget them all together. I just wish that I could explain the affect that my African trip had on me to those outside of my brain. Ho hum...maybe someday.
A recap of my few months... Keith and I returned from Africa to quickly depart again on a raft trip on the Salmon River near Riggins, Idaho. I don't know why I feel the need to add 'Idaho'. As if anyone reading this isn't familiar. Maybe I have some fans out there besides my mum and pops. Anyway, it is an annual trip taken by Keith's shift at work and their significant others. Good times, for sure!
Soon after, a new school year began for me and life has been pretty busy and normal since then. I love my class this year. Some years they are just good, other years they are great. This is a great year. I am ready to graduate with my Master's in the spring...well, technically, I'm not ready as I have mmmmuch still to do. But, I will be ready by then. Keith and I went camping with my family in September and took a family photo. :)

In other news, I turned 28 last week! I LOVE my birthday and am oh so lucky to be celebrating a 28th one. Yay life!
As for my next adventure, I'm officially signed up to run a 1/2 marathon in Austin, Texas on February 20th. Yikes. I'm excited for the challenge but nervous as I've never ran more than 7 consecutive miles. I was so proud of myself when I finished Bloomsday last year (a local 12k, for those of my fans not from these parts) that I decided that I could do a 1/2. I'll let you know how great of an idea this is say, February 19th. With a little less than 12 weeks to train and a good month of enjoying eggnog and not running, I definitely have my work cut out for me. Thanks to a boyfriend that bought me a new pair of running kicks, I'm ready to get back onto the running wagon......yeehaw.

For those of you wanting to join me under that little yellow star in a few months, I am currently accepting applications. Apply within.
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